Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 3: Trust Falls

definition: A trust fall is a purported trust-building game often conducted as a group exercise in which a person deliberatlely allows himself to fall, relying on the other members of the group (spotter) to catch him. -wikipedia

("Traditional" trust fall)

Trust falls are a classic ropes course tradition that builds and creates trust, as you gain confidence in those around you allowing them to catch all your weight. I think that this is great, and having been a part of it, fun. Successfully having a group of people be there for you and catch you when you are vulnerable is an exile rating feeling. The new "comical" trend version in our society has changed the traditional approved trust building game, and put a "surprise" element towards it.

"surprise" trust fall definition: When you preform a trust fall on an unsuspecting victim while yelling "SURPRISE TRUST FALL."-urban dictionary

Hey guy! I'm going to walk up to you and yell "surprise trust fall" hoping you catch me before I split my head open on the pavement! I will admit, based off of the comedy show Tosh.0, surprise trust falls are absolutely hilarious. This is the problem. Just because it is funny on a comedy show, doesn't mean it will be funny in real life! Like previous blogs, I just can't believe some peoples stupidity. Taking a gym class team building game and turning "stunt" based just doesn't seem to work. The young people seem to be hung up on preforming "tricks," apparently making them higher up on the cool meter. The point is, leave it to the gym/campgrounds. Hurling your body on someone is not by any means "cool."

(New "surprise" trust falls)

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