Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 6: Flash Mobs

definition: a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, artistic expression or—in rare cases—violence.

(Flash Mob)

What isn't funny about a bunch of people gathering around for a bit of humor? Oh flash mobs. Such a simple, hilarious prank. These random gatherings can range from random dances, to pillow fights, or a fake zombie apocalypse. The point is the are meant to lighten the mood, and provide I group of people with a little fun. I would love to gather up some of my friends and record us doing something crazy, the possibilities are endless with creativity. This is the first blog topic I have actually taken a laid back, more positive on, and for that, ill put up a video.

(Funny flash mob video)

Ah a good old fashion dance off at a red light, what more could you want! Flash mobs are so random, and funny. The downside? Violence. Just like anything, flash mobs can escalate fast, and with a group of wrong people, the goal may be injuring innocent people. With this being said, on a overall basis, flash mobs are a funny. 

(Flash mob commercial) 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 5: Crocs

definition: "quite possibly the ugliest but most comfortable shoes ever. Everyone wears them from babies to old farts and rich kids to poorish kids. They are very heinous looking. 

person one: ohmygaed...my home ec teacher is wearing the same crocs I am!

person two: well that's your own damn fault. Stop following trends, idiot" -urbandictionary.com

(Different colored Crocs)

Crocs, the comfortable rubber shoe that has taken the country by storm. I have no doubts on the element of comfort, but I feel there should be rules on when they should be worn, and who can wear them. If you are a young kid, basically all the way up until middle school, they are in play. If you are of the female gender, they are also acceptable, and can be worn. If you are retired, then you too can wear your crocs at anytime, in any location you so choose. This leaves men between the ages of 15-59 vulnerable to my harsh conditions/rules of croc wearing. This is wear the location factor can help you. There are two "safe zone" places, where anyone may wear crocs, even high school/college students. First, in the comfort of your own home/living space. Second, your place of work, to provide comfort. These are the only exceptions. Of course these are merely my harsh opinions, and you may feel free to make your own "croc rules" and apply them to your life.

(Guy against Crocs)

Take this guys word for it, don't wear croc shoes for fashion! Although I am not in complete agreement with him, I do believe he has the general gist of crocs. Although they may be comfortable, they are anything but a fashion statement. They company tries to make them even more appealing, by putting little buttons that can snap on in the "ventilation" holes. As said in the movie fired up, unless you're a grandfather, or a baby on a beach, don't wear crocs!

(Croc's reference in the movie "Fired Up")

At the end of the day, I feel like most of my blog topics, crocs are okay if kept in perspective. As a guy you should know your limitations on when to where them, mainly for your social life sake. I give props to the founder of croc on such a trendy, money making invention. Even with this being said, just hearing the name creates a humor based image in my head, leading me to believe they are shoes for chicks, kids, or older generations.

I blog I started to follow, due to the crocs connection.

(Crocs logo)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 4: Energy Drinks

A drink intended to boost mental energy, typically containingsugar and caffeine or other stimulants. 

(An example of energy drink options at a store)

Accelerated heart rate in a bottle! What a movement. Red bull is one thing, but drinks like "Nos" and "Crunk Juice" are just over the top. As a society, especially in teenagers, we have become accustom to drinking these drinks to "boost" our level of energy. I have an idea, how about some good old fashion sleep? If you are tired in the morning, starting your day with an excessive amount of caffeine, sugar and other random stimulants such as Taurine, probably isn't the way to go. Instead, a healthier alternative may be some natural sugar, as seen in fruit. Energy drinks may pack a punch, but is it too much?

(Energy drinks video)

But then there is the next level of energy drink. Instead of the classic drinks such as monster, amp, or red bull drinks alcoholic energy drinks such as Four Loco are being drank now by people in our society. This is just plain unhealthy. Why do we feel the need to pump these things into our bodies knowing the dangers and potential health risks involved? Come on people, this just makes no sense to me. 

(Chances are, this Won't happen if you drink an energy drink)

The main thing we need to consider with energy drinks is moderation. Once in a while having an energy drink probably isn't the worst thing in the world, but having them daily or weekly is just increasing the chance of heart disease! At the end of the day we need to be more aware of of health and overall well being, because we are the ones who control our destiny health wise. Be more careful what you pump into your body, because energy drinks are a VERY unhealthy fad in our society.