Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 6: Flash Mobs

definition: a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, artistic expression or—in rare cases—violence.

(Flash Mob)

What isn't funny about a bunch of people gathering around for a bit of humor? Oh flash mobs. Such a simple, hilarious prank. These random gatherings can range from random dances, to pillow fights, or a fake zombie apocalypse. The point is the are meant to lighten the mood, and provide I group of people with a little fun. I would love to gather up some of my friends and record us doing something crazy, the possibilities are endless with creativity. This is the first blog topic I have actually taken a laid back, more positive on, and for that, ill put up a video.

(Funny flash mob video)

Ah a good old fashion dance off at a red light, what more could you want! Flash mobs are so random, and funny. The downside? Violence. Just like anything, flash mobs can escalate fast, and with a group of wrong people, the goal may be injuring innocent people. With this being said, on a overall basis, flash mobs are a funny. 

(Flash mob commercial) 

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