Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 13: Tebowing

definition: To get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.

(Tim Tebow)

Good old Tim Tebow, the pride and joy of the Denver Broncos. The most loved yet most unconventional quarterback in the National Football League. How is this guy even in talks with Tom Brady, Aaron Rogers, and Drew Brews for potential pro bowl quarterbacks nominees? That is just not okay. I will give the guy credit, he knows how to win, and he did with a couple national titles with Florida along with a Heisman trophy. But this isn't college, and willing your team to victory a few times doesn't prove anything. Tell me how it works out for you when you square off against a good defense and a better quarterback. I do understand what is so intriguing about the guy. What I don't understand is why our society is mimicking him, and his religious beliefs. What will they do when his streak ends, and the real Tebow emerges?

(Examples of Tebowing)

At the end of the day, I wish Tim Tebow the best and am definitely rooting for him. But until he gets into the playoffs, or wins a Super Bowl, i'm still going to have my doubts. He is like a half-back playing quarterback. He passes less than he throws, and it seems like he doesn't even come to play until the fourth quarter. Putting up 14 points a game isn't going to get a win against Tom Brady. I understand america is in love with the Tebow and is a top trend, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want him starting for my team. Kudos and good luck Tebow, 
hopefully you will prove me wrong.

(Denver Broncos logo)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week 12: Planking/Owling

definition of planking: "Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. Both hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game. Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank. Rigidity of the body must be maintained to constitute good planking.

definition of owling: Evolved from planking, owling is the sitting on a random object/surface in a perched position, taking a picture of oneself and posting in on the internet.

(A girl planking)

Laying on top of things and taking pictures... classic. This seems like a pretty harmless fad, one that I could actually get behind. I don't really understand it though, why is the big fixation about planking? People actually die doing this fad. I'm going to plank on top of the highest place possible!  Wow, really? Talk about funky!

(Various people planking in different locations)

As the planking position photo's covered the internet, and the competition staggered to an new level, people wanted more. Owling. Instead of laying down on top of things, people "perched" like owls. I view this one as funny too. What's not to laugh about when you see pictures of people in an owl position? They are just great.

(Two guys "owling")

Overall planking and owling are halarious fads. The important thing is to keep these things in perspective. Plank or owl on top of various low height objects, with funny backgrounds or objects? Yes. Plank or owl on top of something ten stories high? No. Common sense people! Just like most fads, when kept in perspective, they can be hilarious! 

(This lady isn't the best planker)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 11: Cinnamon Challenge

definition: A prank in which one person dares another to swallow, without the aid of water, a spoonful of ground of cinnamon within sixty seconds. The spice dries the challenge taker's mouth and is almost impossible to swallow. Some accidentally inhale the cinnamon which causes temporary but severe  chest pain, much to the amusement of the challenger. 


As promised, I came through with another challenge trend seen in our society, one that has been called impossible by many. But yet people worldwide still seem to insist it can be done. Yea right, as if your esophagus can handle a spoonful of cinnamon any better than mine, please. This fad like the gallon challenge is just plain ridiculous. I warn you, this video is a bit disturbing. And should only be viewed by mature audiences (or those who can stand to watch the effects of trying to consume and teaspoon of cinnamon).

(Just terrible, this is what happens)

There really is nothing smart about deciding to take part in this challenge, as it clearly does not end well for anyone who plays by the rules. My words of advice... DON'T DO IT. It really is as simple as that. If you really are considering doing it, don't go into feeling confident, because my guess is the cinnamon will be coming right back up. I'm not quiet sure who came up with the idea, but they should not be proud. Covering these fads in my blog is almost too far, as the go past the boundaries of "funky" and enter a new category of disgusting. Look for my post next week, which will be a lot more low key. 

(I guess they didn't take my advice!)

(Let's hope you guys don't)