Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 13: Tebowing

definition: To get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.

(Tim Tebow)

Good old Tim Tebow, the pride and joy of the Denver Broncos. The most loved yet most unconventional quarterback in the National Football League. How is this guy even in talks with Tom Brady, Aaron Rogers, and Drew Brews for potential pro bowl quarterbacks nominees? That is just not okay. I will give the guy credit, he knows how to win, and he did with a couple national titles with Florida along with a Heisman trophy. But this isn't college, and willing your team to victory a few times doesn't prove anything. Tell me how it works out for you when you square off against a good defense and a better quarterback. I do understand what is so intriguing about the guy. What I don't understand is why our society is mimicking him, and his religious beliefs. What will they do when his streak ends, and the real Tebow emerges?

(Examples of Tebowing)

At the end of the day, I wish Tim Tebow the best and am definitely rooting for him. But until he gets into the playoffs, or wins a Super Bowl, i'm still going to have my doubts. He is like a half-back playing quarterback. He passes less than he throws, and it seems like he doesn't even come to play until the fourth quarter. Putting up 14 points a game isn't going to get a win against Tom Brady. I understand america is in love with the Tebow and is a top trend, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want him starting for my team. Kudos and good luck Tebow, 
hopefully you will prove me wrong.

(Denver Broncos logo)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week 12: Planking/Owling

definition of planking: "Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. Both hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game. Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank. Rigidity of the body must be maintained to constitute good planking.

definition of owling: Evolved from planking, owling is the sitting on a random object/surface in a perched position, taking a picture of oneself and posting in on the internet.

(A girl planking)

Laying on top of things and taking pictures... classic. This seems like a pretty harmless fad, one that I could actually get behind. I don't really understand it though, why is the big fixation about planking? People actually die doing this fad. I'm going to plank on top of the highest place possible!  Wow, really? Talk about funky!

(Various people planking in different locations)

As the planking position photo's covered the internet, and the competition staggered to an new level, people wanted more. Owling. Instead of laying down on top of things, people "perched" like owls. I view this one as funny too. What's not to laugh about when you see pictures of people in an owl position? They are just great.

(Two guys "owling")

Overall planking and owling are halarious fads. The important thing is to keep these things in perspective. Plank or owl on top of various low height objects, with funny backgrounds or objects? Yes. Plank or owl on top of something ten stories high? No. Common sense people! Just like most fads, when kept in perspective, they can be hilarious! 

(This lady isn't the best planker)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 11: Cinnamon Challenge

definition: A prank in which one person dares another to swallow, without the aid of water, a spoonful of ground of cinnamon within sixty seconds. The spice dries the challenge taker's mouth and is almost impossible to swallow. Some accidentally inhale the cinnamon which causes temporary but severe  chest pain, much to the amusement of the challenger. 


As promised, I came through with another challenge trend seen in our society, one that has been called impossible by many. But yet people worldwide still seem to insist it can be done. Yea right, as if your esophagus can handle a spoonful of cinnamon any better than mine, please. This fad like the gallon challenge is just plain ridiculous. I warn you, this video is a bit disturbing. And should only be viewed by mature audiences (or those who can stand to watch the effects of trying to consume and teaspoon of cinnamon).

(Just terrible, this is what happens)

There really is nothing smart about deciding to take part in this challenge, as it clearly does not end well for anyone who plays by the rules. My words of advice... DON'T DO IT. It really is as simple as that. If you really are considering doing it, don't go into feeling confident, because my guess is the cinnamon will be coming right back up. I'm not quiet sure who came up with the idea, but they should not be proud. Covering these fads in my blog is almost too far, as the go past the boundaries of "funky" and enter a new category of disgusting. Look for my post next week, which will be a lot more low key. 

(I guess they didn't take my advice!)

(Let's hope you guys don't)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 10: Gallon Challege

definition: Milk chugging, or gallon challenge, is the process of consuming a large amount of milk within a set period of time. Although there are variations in procedure, many adherents follow to the mostly general parameters; a person is given 60 minutes to drink a full gallon of whole milk without vomiting.

(Men taking the challenge)

Ah yes, let us try to chug a whole gallon of milk or liquid in an hour. I'm the man, what could possibly go wrong?! I know for sure I won't throw up... oh wait... The gallon challenge is a incredibly stupid, but yet humorous trend that has taken our nation by storm. Those fame struck, peer pressured teenagers finally get their shot at fame and who can blame them? It seems completely normal to get a bunch of bro's together and start chugging away at a gallon, the chicks dig it man.

(Gallon challenge video)

I know, I know, the above video is absolutely repulsive, and really isn't really the shining example of America we want all over the internet. However, with that being said. GENTLEMEN, let us lay down some ground rules!

(Gallons of milk)

There are three universal rules in what has been called the Gallon Challenge, although some minor variations may exist.

1) The contestant has one hour to drink one U.S. liquid gallon of milk.

2) Should the contestant finish the gallon within that hour, they must retain the gallon for a set period of time.

3) Should they retain the gallon, they win. Otherwise, if the contestant vomits prior to the set period of time has passed, they lose.
Now let the best man win!

Of course, when you chug an entire gallon of milk in an hours time, most likely you will puke. I can definitely see why people do it, but this does not mean that I would recommend it. At the end of the day it's worth a laugh, and immature one at that. Milk is my favorite drink out there, but I think I will stick to my glasses, and stay away from the gallons.

Keep up with my blog to find out next weeks challenge trend!

(Take his advice)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 9: Car Surfing

definition: Car surfing (also known as urban surfing) is an activity in which passengers of moving vehicles perform various stunts, including hanging out of the car or 'surfing' on the hood (bonnet), trunk (boot), or on the roof of the vehicle while it is in motion.

(A car surfer)

58 deaths since 1990... what a great fad. People in our society seem to think it makes sense to get on top of a car, and try to surf it. Do you have nothing better to do with your life? Go ride a roller coaster if you want a thrill, or even go actually surfing. They put seat belts in cars for a reason, we don't need to add to the death tolls in terms of car crashes, especially in something that should be completely avoided. I can't even say I find this funny, just because of the levels of stupidity involved. These are deaths that should never of happened.

(Girl car surfing)

This is the stupidity that leads to all the deaths and injuries. Don't get me wrong, I understand where the fun, humor component can be seen in this trend. But it lacks common sense. Usually I take a more comical approach to my blogs, but with this one, it is hard to. At first I thought I could have some fun with this topic, but as a researched it turned out to be a more serious issue.

(Car surfing video)

Need I say more? This is just ridiculous. This above stunt was only at 30 mph. There are other incidents that get up to 80 mph. This is a trend that needs to find an exit strategy out of our society, before there are more deaths and injuries. 

(More like wrong)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 8: Skinny Jeans

definition:  largely popular style of jeans worn mostly by the junior high, high school, and college age groups. they fit snugly around the waist and are tight around the thighs and calves, tapering down to the ankle. for guys they are a little looser in the crotch area. they were originally worn only by emos, skaters, punks, etc, but now 99% of the population owns at least one pair. however, they really only look good on about 3% of the population. short people, for instance, generally look even shorter when wearing skinny jeans. if you are tall and want to look shorter, wearing skinny jeans will not usually work. they're kind of complicated in that way.
short person: I wish I could wear skinny jeans, but they make me look even shorter than I already am!

(Skinny Jeans on guys)

I can't feel my legs! Skinny jeans are seen throughout our society as a popular jean option. I wish they would just go away. Seeing people wearing jeans that allow you to see the complete shape of their leg is not something I want, especially if it is a guy. I understand if you're a skater, or something of that nature, but other than that. I do not understand. Why you would want something that tight, especially as a guy is beyond me, I mean how about some breathing room?

(Skinny jeans rap)

They even have new rap songs coming out defending the skinny jeans movement. It's crazy. I guess it's something I will never understand fully.

(Lil Wayne and his skinny jeans)

(I should buy this shirt)

Week 7: UGG Boots

definition: Boots with suede outsides and sheepskin insides. Usually used in snowy and cold regions, but now is associated with miniskirts and beach towns.
Look at that pigeon! She's wearing her uggs and miniskirt! Gross!

(Picture of Uggs)

Code name ugly! UGG boots have go mainstream in society, worn by girls everywhere. Having gone through high school, and now in college, I have seen my far share of these fur frenzy boots. For the most part, I have absolutely no problem with these boots, and if I were a girl I would most likely wear them. That however, is a big if.

(He clearly doesn't approve)

There is no doubt in my mind that surrounding your feet with multiple skinned rodents/animals is comfortable. I just have a problem with some of the combinations. Jeans and uggs, fine. Sweatpants and Uggs, acceptable. Leggings and Uggs, not okay. Miniskirts and Uggs, something your father probably wouldn't be proud of, though Im sure guys wouldn't mind. Tom Brady and Uggs... what the hell!? Are Muggs (Male Uggs) taking over now?! I am absolutely not okay with the all-star quarterback of my favorite football team promoting male Uggs. What is this no since. You throw a pigskin around, why would you want to feminize yourself with sheep fur? Go buy a pair for Gisele, before I take your man card. She's about the only reason you deserve respect after those adds, minus the rings of course.

(So very painful.)

(Oh dear lord)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 6: Flash Mobs

definition: a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, artistic expression or—in rare cases—violence.

(Flash Mob)

What isn't funny about a bunch of people gathering around for a bit of humor? Oh flash mobs. Such a simple, hilarious prank. These random gatherings can range from random dances, to pillow fights, or a fake zombie apocalypse. The point is the are meant to lighten the mood, and provide I group of people with a little fun. I would love to gather up some of my friends and record us doing something crazy, the possibilities are endless with creativity. This is the first blog topic I have actually taken a laid back, more positive on, and for that, ill put up a video.

(Funny flash mob video)

Ah a good old fashion dance off at a red light, what more could you want! Flash mobs are so random, and funny. The downside? Violence. Just like anything, flash mobs can escalate fast, and with a group of wrong people, the goal may be injuring innocent people. With this being said, on a overall basis, flash mobs are a funny. 

(Flash mob commercial) 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 5: Crocs

definition: "quite possibly the ugliest but most comfortable shoes ever. Everyone wears them from babies to old farts and rich kids to poorish kids. They are very heinous looking. 

person one: home ec teacher is wearing the same crocs I am!

person two: well that's your own damn fault. Stop following trends, idiot"

(Different colored Crocs)

Crocs, the comfortable rubber shoe that has taken the country by storm. I have no doubts on the element of comfort, but I feel there should be rules on when they should be worn, and who can wear them. If you are a young kid, basically all the way up until middle school, they are in play. If you are of the female gender, they are also acceptable, and can be worn. If you are retired, then you too can wear your crocs at anytime, in any location you so choose. This leaves men between the ages of 15-59 vulnerable to my harsh conditions/rules of croc wearing. This is wear the location factor can help you. There are two "safe zone" places, where anyone may wear crocs, even high school/college students. First, in the comfort of your own home/living space. Second, your place of work, to provide comfort. These are the only exceptions. Of course these are merely my harsh opinions, and you may feel free to make your own "croc rules" and apply them to your life.

(Guy against Crocs)

Take this guys word for it, don't wear croc shoes for fashion! Although I am not in complete agreement with him, I do believe he has the general gist of crocs. Although they may be comfortable, they are anything but a fashion statement. They company tries to make them even more appealing, by putting little buttons that can snap on in the "ventilation" holes. As said in the movie fired up, unless you're a grandfather, or a baby on a beach, don't wear crocs!

(Croc's reference in the movie "Fired Up")

At the end of the day, I feel like most of my blog topics, crocs are okay if kept in perspective. As a guy you should know your limitations on when to where them, mainly for your social life sake. I give props to the founder of croc on such a trendy, money making invention. Even with this being said, just hearing the name creates a humor based image in my head, leading me to believe they are shoes for chicks, kids, or older generations.

I blog I started to follow, due to the crocs connection.

(Crocs logo)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 4: Energy Drinks

A drink intended to boost mental energy, typically containingsugar and caffeine or other stimulants.

(An example of energy drink options at a store)

Accelerated heart rate in a bottle! What a movement. Red bull is one thing, but drinks like "Nos" and "Crunk Juice" are just over the top. As a society, especially in teenagers, we have become accustom to drinking these drinks to "boost" our level of energy. I have an idea, how about some good old fashion sleep? If you are tired in the morning, starting your day with an excessive amount of caffeine, sugar and other random stimulants such as Taurine, probably isn't the way to go. Instead, a healthier alternative may be some natural sugar, as seen in fruit. Energy drinks may pack a punch, but is it too much?

(Energy drinks video)

But then there is the next level of energy drink. Instead of the classic drinks such as monster, amp, or red bull drinks alcoholic energy drinks such as Four Loco are being drank now by people in our society. This is just plain unhealthy. Why do we feel the need to pump these things into our bodies knowing the dangers and potential health risks involved? Come on people, this just makes no sense to me. 

(Chances are, this Won't happen if you drink an energy drink)

The main thing we need to consider with energy drinks is moderation. Once in a while having an energy drink probably isn't the worst thing in the world, but having them daily or weekly is just increasing the chance of heart disease! At the end of the day we need to be more aware of of health and overall well being, because we are the ones who control our destiny health wise. Be more careful what you pump into your body, because energy drinks are a VERY unhealthy fad in our society.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 3: Trust Falls

definition: A trust fall is a purported trust-building game often conducted as a group exercise in which a person deliberatlely allows himself to fall, relying on the other members of the group (spotter) to catch him. -wikipedia

("Traditional" trust fall)

Trust falls are a classic ropes course tradition that builds and creates trust, as you gain confidence in those around you allowing them to catch all your weight. I think that this is great, and having been a part of it, fun. Successfully having a group of people be there for you and catch you when you are vulnerable is an exile rating feeling. The new "comical" trend version in our society has changed the traditional approved trust building game, and put a "surprise" element towards it.

"surprise" trust fall definition: When you preform a trust fall on an unsuspecting victim while yelling "SURPRISE TRUST FALL."-urban dictionary

Hey guy! I'm going to walk up to you and yell "surprise trust fall" hoping you catch me before I split my head open on the pavement! I will admit, based off of the comedy show Tosh.0, surprise trust falls are absolutely hilarious. This is the problem. Just because it is funny on a comedy show, doesn't mean it will be funny in real life! Like previous blogs, I just can't believe some peoples stupidity. Taking a gym class team building game and turning "stunt" based just doesn't seem to work. The young people seem to be hung up on preforming "tricks," apparently making them higher up on the cool meter. The point is, leave it to the gym/campgrounds. Hurling your body on someone is not by any means "cool."

(New "surprise" trust falls)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 2: Parkour

definition: A sport or athletic activity in which the participant seeks to move quickly and fluidly through an area, often an urban locale, by surmounting obstacles such as walls and railings and leaping across open spaces, as in a stairwell or between buildings."-the free

Jump off extremely high buildings, and most likely shatter my ankles? Sign me up! Parkour is a new tried hitting younger age groups nationwide, which involves "tricks". The whole goal of park our is to preform the impossible, at a fast paced speed. In a sense, the objective is to get from point A to point B in the fastest amount of time, without going around, but rather over objects. Yes, park our can be extremely cool, when let to the professionals as seen below.

(Cool parkour video)

This is the acceptation however. Having been through high school, I have seen all the kids try to "reenact" these stunts in a variety of settings, and the results are not pretty. What are you guys trying to prove!? My question is what is the big fascination? Do kids today really lack that much common sense? At what point does it become "a good idea" to jump from building to building? To me these kids just seem like a bunch of adrenaline seeking junkies! Even Time Magazine is speaking out. I mean come on.

(Not so cool parkour video fail)

This movement is just crazy. To often do we see these above results, it just aggravates me. Just remember, a building is meant to provide shelter and residence, not jumped off for thirty seconds of fame. I can only hope we begin to smarten up, because this is an embarrassment that provides nothing besides comedy to those surfing you tube. Oh, and maybe a hefty hospital bill.

(Great sign)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 1: Silly Bandz

Expensive rubber bands for everyone! Silly bandz are a new bracelet trend that has taken over our school systems nationwide. Having worn a few here and there, I can understand why they are such a big deal. I mean colorful bracelets shaped like animals and objects that come in multiple colors, who wouldn't want them? I for one, feel that when kept in moderation they are fine. One or two to cover your wrist makes sense to me, but fifty covering a little kids whole arm while he still has another 500 in a bag? That is what I call overkill. At the end of the day it is important to remember that we are wearing cheap rubber, and ultimately getting ripped off. We pay $5.95 for a 24 pack, that probably cost about 5 cents to make. Rip off. Just remember, when kept in perspective, silly bandz are a fun, acceptable fad. But when blown out of proportion, as the collector you really do come off as "silly."

(Silly Bandz song)

I'm not going to say I feel strongly enough about silly bandz to make a "jam" like this kid, but I will say he does bring up some valid points.

(The "up the arm" style comes off as ridiculous)